Entries by Therma Bright Inc.


Double-Blind Study

In 1998-99, Professor Loic Vaillant of the Department of Dermatology in the Faculty of Medicine in Tours, together with Dr. Deheuvels and eight independent physicians, undertook a double-blind clinical trial, producing a report entitled “Study of the Effects of Effects of ‘predicate thermal therapy device’  that utilized Topical Heatin in Recurrent Peri-buccal Herpes”. The study […]

Using Makeup to Hide a Cold Sore

Using Cold Sore Makeup Can Save Your Day You’ve got a big event coming up in a few days, but yesterday you felt that oh-so familiar tingle. Now your face is battling a full-blown cold sore, and you’ve got nowhere to hide. So here’s your guide to covering up that cold sore so you can […]


Reducing Stress, Reducing Cold Sores

Get Rid of Cold Sores With Stress Reduction Stress is a proven and a sure path to a cold sore outbreak. Stress hinders many aspects of the body, one of them being the immune system. As discussed in previous articles, stress reduces the body’s ability to repress the HSV-1 virus, which allows an outbreak to occur. […]

Cold Sores & Your Eyes

Over our various blog articles, we have discussed how cold sores affect parts of the body other than the lips and other cold sore facts. While the HSV-1 and HSV-2 virus strains are the most common, there’s also the Herpes Zoster or HZV, Cytomegalovirus or CMV, and others. How Can Cold Sores Affect My Eyes? […]


How to Make a Cold Sore Heal Faster

Cold sores are ruthless in during outbreaks; painful, long-lasting and unsightly, anyone who suffers from recurring cold sore outbreaks knows the struggle. Often we look for ways of stopping cold sores or shorten the duration of a cold sore outbreak however we can – but figuring out what works and what doesn’t can be a […]

Cold Sores and Women

A Women’s Guide to Managing & Preventing Cold Sores. Are you a victim of recurring cold sores? Or does your partner have a not-so hidden mark above their lips? For whatever reason you need, cold sores can be big trouble if not handled properly. So here’s our list of the most important things women need […]


Cold Sore Prevention Diet

There’s been many studies done on the link between diet and cold sore outbreaks. Much like other parts of the body, your diet can affect how your body functions and performs tasks. By giving your body the best possible food, rich in vitamins and minerals, you help your body fight off harmful cold sore outbreaks. […]

7 Cold Sore Home Remedies

Cold sores have been around for a long time, and many sources claim to know the answer for quick and easy at home cold sore treatment. From certain foods, herbs, supplements and chemicals, there’s a lot of information about non-medical treatment options – but how many of them actually work? We’ve compiled a list of […]