Thermal Therapy Technology
Red light and infrared combined with our clinically proven septic system penetrates deep into the skin, killing the infected cells and stopping cold sores. The device’s thermal heat conductivity further eliminates the virally-infected cells by a process called “heat shock response”, which is a reaction virus’ have whereby they transcript a number of their genes and activate heat-shock proteins.
The heat-shock proteins participate in the virus’ death without other cold sore medication by causing the HSV-1 virus to self-destruct, resulting in the death if the lesions and return to the skin’s normal, healthy state.
Stopping and Preventing Cold Sores without Prescription Medications.
InterceptCS™ uses breakthrough “Thermal Therapy Technology”. This applies controlled, topical heat to affected areas, without burning the skin. The controlled range of heat naturally works at treating cold sores and outbreaks, making this the leading cold sore remedy on the market. Don’t get fooled by those cold sore home remedies, InterceptCS™ offers proven relief from cold sore outbreaks and greatly reducing healing time.