New Special Limited Time Offer

We have exciting news! For a limited time, InterceptCS™ is now 20% off with any purchase, with free shipping! What does that mean? You can have proven cold sore treatment at your home in case of any situation. Got a big job interview coming up? Or maybe going on a date in the near future? Be prepared for any circumstance with InterceptCS™!

How Does InterceptCS™ Work?

InterceptCS™ has been created to treat, remedy and prevent cold sore stress and outbreaks. Using patented Thermal Therapy Technology, InterceptCS™ destroys the infected cells that create cold sores, preventing the outbreak from occurring. The only device of it’s kind, people who suffer from cold sores can now actively eliminate an outbreak without needing harmful medications or chemicals. InterceptCS™ works fast to get rid of the cold sore in just a couple days.

Medically Proven*

InterceptCS™ is clinically proven and approved for the prevention and treatment of cold sore outbreaks. While most products on the market are able to slow the infection down or shorten the outbreak, InterceptCS™ is able to completely prevent the cold sore from appearing, or use the device to drastically shorten the duration of an outbreak. InterceptCS™ does not require a prescription or doctors approval. Instead, InterceptCS™ is discrete, portable and extremely effective.

What Makes InterceptCS™ Different?

Other medications or products available on the market today, including Valtrex, Zovirax, Lipactin, Abreva, and Zilactin, try to slow down or reduce the length of a cold sore, InterceptCS™ can prevent one from ever happening. During the Predrome, or tingling stage, of a cold sore, our device actively destroys the harmful bacteria that causes a flare-up. Additionally, unlike other products which require regular doses daily, InterceptCS™ only needs to be used once for a minute and a half. That’s it! For more comparisons, visit our about page.

Where Can I Get InterceptCS™?

From the comfort of your home! Visit our shop page to have InterceptCS™ delivered to your door! No need to leave your home for amazing cold sore prevention, just keep InterceptCS™ handy for when you feel a tingling in your lip. When not using InterceptCS™, keep it stored anywhere for fast, effective relief. Treatment activators never go bad, so stock up to always be prepared.

So get InterceptCS™ now for 20% off and free shipping while this offer lasts! Stop the cold sore, before it even happens with InterceptCS™.


*Based on double blind placebo study the InterceptCS™ is approved for the claim “For the prevention of cold sores when used within 3 hours of the onset of the prodrome.” by Health Canada. InterceptCS™ is not approved by the FDA for any claim and nor does it maintain a claim to cure or prevent disease by the FDA.
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