Managing Your Emotions with Cold Sores
Cold Sore Facts, Tips & TricksSometimes, we like to think “That will never happen to me.” One of those things is probably cold sores. After a night of drinking, hanging with friends, meeting someone new, or even out of the blue, we suddenly find ourselves dealing with…

The Do’s and Don’ts of Cold Sores
Cold Sore Facts, Tips & TricksThe Do's and Don'ts for Cold Sore Treatment
You know the signs, when you feel that tingle and know a cold sore is coming on. When you wake up in the morning, and you see a full-blown cold sore outbreak. With this handy do's and dont's for cold…

Cold Sore Treatment Tips
Tips & TricksIt’s Friday night, and you’re ready to go out on the town with you and your friends. But you noticed a tingling on your lower lip last night, and now you've woken up to a great, big cold sore! You need something that’s going to get rid…

What is a Cold Sore?
Cold Sore Facts, Tips & TricksWe’ve explored how to avoid cold sores, what triggers them and how you can live cold-sore free. We decided it was time to return to the fundamentals, and explain the basics of cold sores, what causes them and where they come from. Read below…

Worst Times to Get a Cold Sore
Tips & TricksWe all know that there’s no “good time” to get a cold sore, but they always seem to appear at the worst possible opportunities. If you find yourself with one of these upcoming events or milestones coming, you’ll want to grab your InterceptCS™…

Know the Cold Sore Stages | Stop a Cold Sore
Cold Sore Facts, Tips & TricksKnow the cold sore stages to stop a cold sore before it appears.
During the life of a cold sore outbreak, which typically lasts around two weeks, your cold sore will go through five different stages. Each stage is unique and the outbreak can…

Immune System Strategies
Tips & TricksWhile the herpes virus is known for causing cold sores, it can also be responsible for other potentially serious side effects, such as blindness and potentially lethal encephalitis. To prevent these consequences, the immune system is kept under…