Is it a Cold Sore or a Pimple?
Cold Sore Facts, StandardYou’re doing your morning routine and you notice a tender spot on your lip. A closer look shows the beginnings of a nasty looking sore, and your mind begins to race. Is it a pimple? Are my lips chapped? Or, is it a dreaded cold sore outbreak?

The Do’s and Don’ts of Cold Sores
Cold Sore Facts, Tips & TricksThe Do's and Don'ts for Cold Sore Treatment
You know the signs, when you feel that tingle and know a cold sore is coming on. When you wake up in the morning, and you see a full-blown cold sore outbreak. With this handy do's and dont's for cold…

Cold Sores During Pregnancy
Cold Sore Facts, Medical HelpHow To Manage Cold Sores During Early Pregnancy and Beyond.
If you’re pregnant, you've already got enough on your mind. The last thing you want to worry about is a cold sore outbreak. However, those with recurring cold sores can probably…

What is a Cold Sore?
Cold Sore Facts, Tips & TricksWe’ve explored how to avoid cold sores, what triggers them and how you can live cold-sore free. We decided it was time to return to the fundamentals, and explain the basics of cold sores, what causes them and where they come from. Read below…

What To Expect | Cold Sore Medications
Cold Sore Facts, StandardKnow What You're Taking
Cold Sores affect millions of people across the country, with studies showing 80% of the population will suffer from the incurable infection. In response, there have been dozens of medications created to battle…

Know the Cold Sore Stages | Stop a Cold Sore
Cold Sore Facts, Tips & TricksKnow the cold sore stages to stop a cold sore before it appears.
During the life of a cold sore outbreak, which typically lasts around two weeks, your cold sore will go through five different stages. Each stage is unique and the outbreak can…

Cold Sore & Canker Sore, What’s the Difference?
Cold Sore FactsCold Sores and Canker Sores - Know the Difference
Canker sores and cold sores share many similarities. Both infections appear in similar areas, have likewise triggers (learn more about what can trigger a cold sore), such as stress, cuts, hormonal…

Cold Sore Triggers
Cold Sore FactsWhat can Trigger a Cold Sore?
Some of the most common aspects of our lives can trigger cold sore outbreaks. Various factors influence when and how severe a cold sore can be. You can avoid your next serious outbreak by avoiding a couple key…