What is Cold Sore Prevention?
Cold Sore Facts, Medical Help, Tips & TricksOn Demand Cold Sore Prevention
The situation is all too familiar – it’s a Friday night, you’re getting ready to call it a night, and you feel that familiar tingling on your lip. That’s when the panic sets in, that “Oh no, how am I…

Reducing Stress, Reducing Cold Sores
Cold Sore Facts, Tips & TricksGet Rid of Cold Sores With Stress Reduction
Stress is a proven and a sure path to a cold sore outbreak. Stress hinders many aspects of the body, one of them being the immune system. As discussed in previous articles, stress reduces the body’s…

Cold Sores & Your Eyes
Cold Sore FactsOver our various blog articles, we have discussed how cold sores affect parts of the body other than the lips and other cold sore facts. While the HSV-1 and HSV-2 virus strains are the most common, there’s also the Herpes Zoster or HZV, Cytomegalovirus…

How to Make a Cold Sore Heal Faster
Cold Sore Facts, Tips & TricksCold sores are ruthless in during outbreaks; painful, long-lasting and unsightly, anyone who suffers from recurring cold sore outbreaks knows the struggle. Often we look for ways of stopping cold sores or shorten the duration of a cold sore…

Cold Sore Prevention Diet
Cold Sore Facts, Tips & TricksThere’s been many studies done on the link between diet and cold sore outbreaks. Much like other parts of the body, your diet can affect how your body functions and performs tasks. By giving your body the best possible food, rich in vitamins…

How to Protect from a Cold Sore on Lip
Cold Sore Facts, Tips & TricksOne of the main causes of a cold sore on your lip can be cracked or dry lips. When lips are dry, they can easy split, especially around the corners of your mouth. This is a perfect opportunity for a cold sore (sometimes called fever blisters)…

Cold Sores & Eczema | The Hidden Danger
Cold Sore Facts, Medical Help, Tips & TricksIf you suffer from eczema, you know that there’s a long list of things or environments that can make it worse. One particular trigger that can make eczema even worse, or even deadly, is the cold sore virus.
Eczema Herpeticum
If a person…

Your Liver & Cold Sores
Cold Sore Facts, Medical Help, Tips & TricksMost people wouldn't associate the liver and cold sore outbreaks. But the way your liver operates could point to why you’re having constant, recurring outbreaks of cold sores. Healthy living is a critical step in eliminating outbreaks before…

What Causes Cold Sores?
Cold Sore Facts, Medical HelpWhat Are Cold Sore Causes?
Essentially, cold sores are a strain of the herpes simplex virus, HSV-1. Surprisingly, estimates are that over 80% of the population in North America carries the herpes virus, though inactive. Many factors determine…

Managing Your Emotions with Cold Sores
Cold Sore Facts, Tips & TricksSometimes, we like to think “That will never happen to me.” One of those things is probably cold sores. After a night of drinking, hanging with friends, meeting someone new, or even out of the blue, we suddenly find ourselves dealing with…